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EMAIL: benson@californiaasparagusseed.com
Phone: 530-753-2437
Fax: 530-753-1209
We ship worldwide.
How to Buy
Seed purchasing procedure
I. Contact C.A.S.T. by letter, fax, phone or email and request the quantity of seed required
  A. Give cultivar/s and amount/s of asparagus seed needed
  B. Provide information for C.A.S.T. to contact you:
    1. Contact person
    2. Billing address
    3. Exact shipping address
    4. Phone and fax numbers
    5. Email address (if applicable)
  C. Provide the port of entry
  D. Provide the name and contact information for a requested freight forwarder
II. C.A.S.T. will contact you by fax to send you a proforma invoice and terms of sale for you to sign and date and fax back to C.A.S.T. Payment can be made to California Asparagus Seed and Transplants, Inc. with a check drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. dollars or instructions for a bank wire transfer of funds to our account for seed payment will be sent to you by fax.
III. Seed needs to be paid for before the seed shipment is sent

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© 2001 California Asparagus Seed and Transplants, Inc.