F1 hybrid
asparagus produces green spears
that have very tight heads under warm to hot
growing conditions during harvest time. The
spears have a cylindrical shape with
slight tapering spear tips. The bud scales
are closely oppressed to the spear, giving
the spear a very smooth appearance. Spear
production starts very early in the spring
and due to its hybrid vigor, extends
late through the cutting season to provide
very high yields of tight headed spears. ATLAS
F1 maintains a tigher
head than UC 157 F1.
Spear color is dark green with
little purple coloration on the bud scales,
spear tip and butt giving the spear a very
attractive appearance. ATLAS F1
produces slightly larger diameter spears than
UC 157 F1. The
high amount of HYBRID vigor gives ATLAS
F1 a high degree
of Fusarium tolerance. The tolerance
to asparagus rust and Cercospora foliar diseases
is high.
The fern production in this cultivar
will fill in 1.5 meter between-row spacing
which is the recommended between row spacing.
The in-row spacing of 18 to 20 centimeters
is recommended for this cultivar to get the
maximum potential yields of medium
to large diameter spears.
seed is certified by
the California Crop Improvement Association
as to the genetic purity and quality
of the seed. Field and equipment inspections
are conducted by the California Crop Improvment
Assoc. and the California Department of Food
and Agriculture, respectively.
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